The Story of Bandit Boys Airsoft
Bandit Boys: The Veteran Airsoft Players Dedicated to the Sport
Beginnings are hard.
Bandit Boys have had a hard time getting started on Airsoft. Pressure from peers saying anything from “why not just get a real gun?” to “Just join the army”, we have heard it all. Daunted by the price of these toy guns, I pushed away the desire. Years later, I eventually came across a video titled: “Best Airsoft Guns on a Budget!” This sparked the interest yet again, and a year later, I saved up and got my first airsoft gun at the age of 12. Waiting for my Umarex H&K HK416 was like waiting for an early childhood christmas. When I received it and charged the battery, I shot all my 2,000 bbs in under 2 hours!

1. Why this, why now
My personal goal is to spark that love of airsoft in more people just like I was sparked when I was younger. The mission of Bandit Boys Airsoft is to promote the safe and enjoyable experience of airsoft and bring it to more people’s attention because it may just spark a lifelong hobby in another child just like me for years to come.

2. The community I am looking to build here
I am creating a community of fellow kind airsofters, whether veteran or novice, and I invite each and everyone of you reading this to join the community and hop on along the ride.
4. How you can support this movement
If reading this sparked something deep within you, then surely you will love our movement. If you wish to support this movement and bring the joy of airsoft to more people, feel free to subscribe and put this on headlines for an eager child to read.